Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bifengxia Pandas - 2010

It’s been quite a time since we’ve updated this blog – a state of affairs that I’m afraid was due to blogspot being blocked in the PRC. However we’ve now found a pretty sure way of once again getting onto our Chengdu travel site – and will now try to post more regular info.

So in this latest post we're giving the latest report on the panda center that's just outside Ya’an - Bifengxia (about 2 hours motorway drive from Chengdu).
The main news here is that the getting your picture with a Panda experience is still half the price in Bifeng than it is at Chengdu Panda Breeding Center. And it’s not only cheaper – it’s also a lot more laid back. At the Chengdu center – especially if there’s a crowd waiting – it can be a bit of a conveyor-belt type happening. You're sometimes waiting in line to get a strictly monitored 2 minutes. At quieter Bifeng your 500 gets you a relaxed 5 minutes –and more room to move about with the Panda.
But all is not good news with Bifeng – they went and put the admission price up from an already expensive 80 RMB to 120. But during our last visit – just under a month back they had a special admission offer for foreigners – with our tickets costing only 70RMB. Don’t know how long this offer will last – but always it’s worth asking if it still applies.

The 500RMB ticket that gets you in, for 5 minutes, with a young Giant Panda.

One of our guests enjoying her time with a Panda. As with Chengdu - protective clothing is provided that theoretically lessens the risk of visitors infecting a Panda with disease.

A couple of adult Panda vying for honor of who is going to be first out of the pen!!!!!

While you're prevented from doing this at the Chengdu center, it's possible to take pictures of the very young pandas - in incubators - at Bifeng. But remember not to use flash!!!!!!

During our last trip to Bifeng we witnessed a Panda rescue. This youngster had spent two days up this tree - which raised a little concern - an it was ultimately, with not a little trouble, brought down for closer inspection.

While other the Pandas - just did what Pandas are meant to do - chilling-out and serenely letting the world pass them by.